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Your Pain
typography design
These are a series of type designs, made specifically for social media square posts. The message encourages others to embrace
their pain because purpose outweighs pain occurred and there is no pain where there is no purpose. Pain is something that we all have experienced and overcame by GOD's grace.

Something to Feel
When I think of pain, I instantly imagine something that you physically feel. Personifying the words 'physical' and 'feel' through a type treatment led me to the visual concept of a sharp edged type design which consists of slanted edges and pointed tips, giving a sharp look to the overall typography.

A Touch of Texture
The scratches in this design adds a rough textural element which flows well with the personification of the keywords 'physical + feel.' Depending how deep your imagination goes, the scratch textures specifically gives the potential illusion that the sharp edges of the text scraped against the surfaces of the design.
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